Monday, July 26, 2010

Not all those who wander are lost...

Wow...I'm REALLY bad at this. I'm sure if I would get into some kind of blogging routine, I could actually write on some sort of regular basis. Well, we'll see. lol.

What I really need is a cool (but easy to navigate..haha) blog layout. This one looks so lame. Hopefully I'll find one somewhere and it won't be too hard to set up.

I don't guess too much has happened since I last wrote, though. My good friend Grace came to visit from Georgia, which was really fun. She was able to stay for a few days and get her first taste of what MY Army wife life is It was, I'm sure, much much busier than I expect hers to be, at least when they first get to their first duty station. Also, John's older brother and his family came to visit while he was home on R&R. That was really fun - we had such a great time with our 3-year old niece. It was super weird having a little kid here for that long though...Although I'm excited to have at least one child with John, I know that I couldn't do it right this minute. Maybe next year or the year after...but I love the life we have now just hanging out with each other and not having to worry about too much. It has been pretty awesome so far. :)

Currently, I am working on a homecoming party for part of John's company who are coming home from deployment. Since his unit is weird and doesn't deploy as a whole, we have the daunting task of throwing parties for each group returning..which so far will be 3 over the course of the next year. Daunting...I'll tell you. doesn't look like we'll be at the 13th for much longer. Right now, according to the BC, this is what it looks like John might be doing next: 50% Rear-D CO for 512th, 50% Rear-D for HHD, 50% deployment with HHD. Yes...I'm aware that's 150%. But I guess that's the way it rolls All of these are things he doesn't mind doing...however he really wants to get a deployment out of the way right now. So, I think he's keeping his fingers crossed on that one. Me...well...I'm just hoping that he gets placed where he is needed. I'm happy if he's happy...even if I would hate for him to leave, I know that's what he wants to do. The passion he has for being in the Army is like nothing I've ever seen before. It just makes me want to work that much harder to do something to make him proud, since I am so very proud of him. So, I guess we'll see what happens in the next couple of months!

I suppose that also means that I'll be handing over the FRG Leader position at some point in the next few months...I hope someone is ready to take it. There's so much I wanted to do before I left that I don't feel like I got to do...but I hope that I made some good steps toward creating an FRG that can be helpful to the company. I feel like I did but sometimes it's hard to tell. If only we could get soldiers and families more involved...there's SO much we could do if only we had just a little bit more support. As much as this position has made me frustrated, I really have enjoyed it..and might even think about doing it again. MAYBE. I would also be content to do the Senior Spouse Advisor thing...anything I can do to help out the families. Hopefully, someone will decide to step up and will continue on and make this an amazing FRG. :)

Going to Georgia on Thursday. It's always bittersweet because, although I love going home to see the family, I hate leaving John behind. I'm pretty excited though..this weekend looks to be a busy one - Grace's Scentsy party, Cortney's bachelorette party, and NERO at the Masquerade! Fun Fuuunn!

Anyway..I think that's enough for one night. Maybe if I can remember to blog more often, they won't have to be so long.


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