Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why can't we...

....have a pool? I think the next house we have, requirements should be fenced-in yard and pool. A pool is serious business. At least people would want to come hang out at my I would probably never get anything done. My parents had a pool up until a couple of years ago and it was awesome. I'm not the type of person to just sit in a pool all the livelong day...but having that option would be nice.

I guess I haven't blogged in a while. We've been really busy with just random stuff. I spoke in my last blog about our first big fundraiser, but we didn't end up doing it because it stormed. So, we will be doing it in a couple of week for the Army Birthday Celebration on FLW. It will be a "Dunk an MP" fundraiser, so we are hoping that lots of people will feel the urge to dunk one of our soldiers and help us raise money for our FRG. We have a PSD group deploying and another coming home at the end of the summer, and we need to raise some moo-lah so we can do something nice for both of groups of soldiers. :)

Also, this past weekend, we went to a motorcycle rally.

Anywho - the rally was fun and interesting. We did not win the poker run, sadly, but it was still a fun time. Can't wait til next year -- and maybe we can steal someone's camper for the weekend. lol. There were a ton of people there, especailly Saturday night, with some fun events. And I was able to get my leather vest and chaps, so now I'm officially a biker babe. :)

Not too much else going on. Currently, I'm trying to build my FRG roster. I have all of these forms in a notebook, but I much rather prefer a spreadsheet. I will be glad to have something I can look at in case I need to get in touch with someone though. I didn't realize how few people actually filled it out with their spouse's email address, phone number, etc. Since this is my first FRG, I don't have anything against it but apparantly a lot of people harbor negative feelings towards it (or at least towards ours, I don't know about others). I just wish people would give it a chance. We could really help a lot of spouses and families. I would love to be there and be a shoulder to lean on for our families, but some of them just will not let me. Maybe in time, people will learn to start depending more on our FRG for things. Until then, I just have to keep on truckin' I suppose. :)

One last thing. I'm very excited that my good friend, Grace, is coming to visit next week. She should arrive next Thursday afternoon. Her husband is about a month or so into BCT, so she's new to the Army wife thing. I've been trying to be a support system for her and, even though I am 10 hours away (she still lives in Blue Ridge), I think we've done alright. I've tried to be a good source of information for her, so I hope I'm doing alright. I would lalalalove it if they happened to get stationed at FLW. It would just be the bombdiggity. Anyway, she's coming for a visit and she just so happens to be coming during the busiest week of the summer, I think. LOL. Hopefully she will enjoy herself and get a glimpse into my life!

Oh, ,and yesterday I tried out a new salon for a haircut, recommended by my friend Becky. It's called Studio 5, over next to Seller-Sexton in St. Robert. It was a good place and I def. think I'll be going back. The girl who cut my hair was brand new - it was her first day, first cut, and she was a month out of school (I managed to pry this info out of I was a little nervous about it at first, but she did a great job. So I'll be going back to her, I do believe!

Sorry this turned out to be so long. Maybe if I wouldn't leave so much time in between posts, I wouldn't have to type so much, huh? It's a thought..haha



1 comment:

  1. AWWW ... Amy!! ... You are the bestest friend anyone could have. You have been a terrific support system for me. You have helped me in so many ways make it through these five long, hard, lonely weeks. You have made my transition into this crazy thing called Army Life just a little bit more manageable. I really dont think I could have done made it this far without you!! ... Thank you for everything. I can't wait to spend some good time with you at FLW. ... I love you bunches! -Grace
