Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's strange often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise...

So we made it to Georgia for Mother's Day and then returned home safely last night. It was a good visit - I love to make our mom's happy by coming home for a few days. Some bad stuff happened, some good stuff happened...but I think all around it was a successful trip for both of us. We both got to relax a little and not think about work (or, in my case, the lack thereof) or the Army for a few days. I don't know about Kira and Jack (our German Sheperds) because we boarded them here in Missouri, but I know Oliver had a fun little trip down to Georgia. He brought back a few tick friends, as well. That was a pleasant surprise. lol.

There's a lot I wish I could say about everything that happened this weekend. I mean, when it comes down to it, it would appear that my best friend and I aren't even talking anymore. Which really sucks, because I do love her very much. And I want to be there for her, no matter what. I understand that she's got some stuff going on and I want to be supportive...just not at the expense of my own feelings all of the time. I don't think she does or says things to intentionally hurt me, but they do. And sometimes, I'm too proud too admit that they do. But this is me...admitting that I am hurting.

So, I don't know what will happen with that. Maybe we will work it out, maybe not. If we are able to, I would at least like to have a normal conversation (not a fight) about it all..but we'll see. Time heals all wounds, I suppose. And we all know I hate to stay angry for any length of time.

In other news, I got my mom a webcam for Mother's Day so once I'm able to get myself one, we can Skype it up! So excited - she's so cute with her little Facebook and everything. Love it.

Now, I guess it's back to the busy FLW schedule. We had a Change of Command to go to today, which was pretty interesting. I will miss the Zinks, but am excited to see what the new Commander has in store for us! Everything is changing! Thursday is our first big fundraiser with me as FRG Leader besides the Afghan blankets we are selling. It's been a little chaotic, but hopefully it will be alright and we will have a good turnout.

Aaaaaanyway, I guess that's enough of an update for now. :) Have a good nighte veryone!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The first of many..(hopefully)..

Well, this is probably the millionth time I've tried to do this. The most recent was last year, before our wedding in April. I just couldn't get into it, though, and I was really busy (which is definitely not the case right now, most of the time). Hopefully, I'll be able to keep up with this one a little better. It would be nice to be able to not only talk about my day but also vent, celebrate, etc.

I can only assume that anyone reading this already knows me, but if not - a little background. I was married in April of 2009 and, after a honeymoon in Disney World, immediately moved to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, where my husband has been stationed until 2012. John is now a 1LT in the US Army, and I'm very proud of him and everything he's doing. I've becoming an Army wife through and through - volunteering, potlucks, the works. But, as much as I said I didn't want to get involved at first, I've actually started to enjoy it. Right now, I'm the leader of John's company's Family Readiness Group, which is essentially what it says - a group of volunteers that tries to help prepare families for anything the Army might throw at them. We try to give out as much information as possible and try to create some cohesion within the company, especially among us spouses. Some of us are new to the Army life, some of us are pro's at it but, in the end, we're all in this together and can all help each other. I've just started to get to know some of the spouses in our company and I LOVE them.

I'm so glad I'm actually starting to make some friends out here after spending the better part of a year sitting at home with the dogs and working. However, I got terminated from my coding job at Pettigrew Medical Business Services just recently (I don't even WANT to get into all of that drama), so I've had a little more free time. I just had an interview at Game Stop on the post though, so keep your fingers crossed on that one. I would liek to get the job not only because we need the money but also because my good friend, Becky, works there and I think it would be fun to work with her!

The whole Army experience continues to both amaze and overwhelm me daily. Now that I have more free time, I've tried to delve even more deeply into my FRG Leader duties and there's so much I want to do but I am not always sure that I can do it. There are all these rules and stipulations placed on us now when, really, all I want to do is help out our families. So, I guess we'll see how it goes. I continue to be excited and frustrated by the entire thing, but I'm glad to be making a difference, even if it is just a small one.

I suppose that's good enough for a first blog, eh? I'll try to continue to blog regularly. We are fixing to go on leave but I'll try to update from my momma's computer when I get to her house! Yay for Mother's Day!

